Howdy all y’all engineers out there!!
I hope everybody has had an awesome first month of class!!
I am pleased to say that the Novelties design competition is going very well so far. We have received a lot of great submissions!! Don’t forget, we are also looking for more department specific patches, so if you have an idea or concept for a patch that would represent your department well please submit your idea!! You can email an image (jpeg, png…) to, or if you have a hand-drawn picture then you can drop it off in the Arts mailbox in the orifice. If you want to submit an image but you don’t have photo editing software (MS Paint might not cut it) there are many online platforms you can try. I have had good luck with designing patches in pixlr ( in the past.
Remember that the contest ends on June 22nd, so there is still time for you to submit cool ideas!!
In other Novelties news, there will be a firesale happening sometime after midterms – the details will be on Facebook and in my next IW article. The details will include time (probably lunch hours), day (TBD), place (probably CHP foyer), and the price reductions for the items on sale (who knows?).
My final Novelties update is that we will be replacing the travel mugs with a new design once all of the current stock is sold out!! The new design is much sleeker than the old one. I would like to give a huge shoutout to Kevin McNamara for ordering these on A-soc, he really picked a great replacement design!
Within the next week I will be opening up ECIF applications, so if you have a good idea for a capital purchase to improve student life on campus I want to hear about it!! I will also be opening up Sponsorship applications soon so if you are involved on a student team that needs a little extra funding stay tuned!! The total funding for ECIF is 5% of all student fees, which is approximately $2000, and the Sponsorship funding totals $5000.
That’s all for me this week! I wish everyone the best of luck on midterms!! Study hard and pass all your classes!!
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