
VP-Winternal Update

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Well hello there B-Soc, how have you been? I hope you’ve all had a good co-op term and first few weeks! A lot of stuff has been going on, and this term is shaping up to be an awesome one!

In the next couple of weeks we’ve got some sweet events planned. These include a euchre tournament in POETS (which happens to be licensed that day as well!), a LAN party for any gamers out there, and a coffee house where you can listen to your fellow Plummers perform.

Later on in the term we’ve got a couple of new exciting things that we’re trying too! Semi-formal this term is going to be held in conjunciton with MathSoc, which should be super awesome! TalEng is going to be held at the Bombshelter Pub here on campus, which hasn’t happened for a while so that’s pretty neat, and the other big thing I’m involved with is running a trip to march in World Pride Parade Toronto this year!

That’s right, it’s not just the Toronto Pride Parade, it’s the World Pride Parade this year, which is going to be crazy because EngSoc will have its very own contingent going! The plan as it stands is to have 2 busses full of students go to the parade and march behind a “float” (really just a pickup truck with decorations) that will have The Tool and Toolbearers in the back, as well as a PA system to blast sweet tunes as we march. Look out for more details in my update for the next Iron Warrior issue!

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