
VP Internal: Why YOU Should Get Involved!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Engineering Society is a huge part of student life on campus, but we also help sponsor many student teams on campus and events within the community. When we talk about getting involved, we’re not just encouraging students to work on an EngSoc event, or just being a part of the events we run specifically, but getting involved somewhere on campus or within the community!

So why should you get involved? Many employers look to see the different challenges and extracurricular responsibilities student’s are involved with. By becoming a director and planning an event, being a part of a student team, or doing something within the community, you will learn how to apply many skills you learn within the classroom, as well as gain leadership and planning experience. It is also common to learn to how to quickly deal with an unexpected crisis, which will be beneficial for any job!

Although we all know that focusing on school work is extremely important, it is possible to juggle both responsibilities! I personally enjoy the time I have to spend on my extra curricular tasks as it gives me a much needed break from school work. Getting involved in a student team can give you a chance to apply what you are learning in school, as well as get help from upper year students!

So ask yourself “why haven’t I gotten involved yet?!” when there are so many benefits to it! Maybe you don’t know how, or haven’t realized that these different things exist on campus? If you are interested in getting involved with the Engineering Society, directorship applications will be opening in a few more weeks, so keep an eye out for those on our mailing list, which you can join from our website www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Many of these directorships include outreach and community events, which are always super fun to get involved with!

Student teams are always looking for new members. If you are interested in joining a student team, pass by their booth in the Student Design Center of E5, or look up the contact information online. There is more information available on the Student Design Center and how to get involved at uwaterloo.ca/sedra-student-design-centre/ so check it out! A list of teams is also available if you aren’t sure what teams exist, or which ones you would be interested in.

As always please e-mail me at vpinternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca if you have any questions, or want to learn more about getting involved with EngSoc or on campus!

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