
President: Aunty’s Governance

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello wonderful plummers!

I hope you have been having a good term thus far. This article will be a quick one.

First, I know a lot of you are already using the Engineering Society’s amazing Student Deals Program, but did you know we have added TWO NEW RESTAURANTS since launch! That’s right, we have recently added Debrodnik’s Italian restaurant (located at King and University, behind Phil’s) as well as Aunty’s Kitchen (located in the Plaza.)

For those of you that don’t know the program, it is a free program for most engineering undergraduate students that enables them to get discounts at local restaurants. All you need to do is stop by the EngSoc Office (CPH 1327) and ask for a student deals sticker. You then take that sticker to the restaurants and receive these awesome deals (for full details and terms please go to the website);

Molly Blooms Irish Pub – 15% off

Vegetarian and Fast Food Restaurant – 10% off

Sweet Dreams Tea Shop – 10% off

Kickoff Sports Bar – Free waffle fries with 2 pitchers

And recently added:

Debrodnik’s Italian Bakery – 20% off

Aunty’s Kitchen – 10% off

We are looking to expand this program to even more restaurants this term, so be sure to keep an eye out!

On the governance front, EngSoc recently created a Governance Review Committee. The committee is tasked with investigating the possibility of EngSoc incorporating, adopting a Board of Directors and adopting General meetings. We have had our first meeting and have set forward a plan to do a thorough look into all of these options, with our recommendations coming forward at the Society’s Joint Council in June.

If you have any input into the student deals program or governance review, or any other questions, feel free to email me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

See you next issue!

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