

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Yay, winter term!!! Winter term is the most exciting term for VP External because there are SO MANY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES! So, I’m going to use this article to outline all of the amazing events you can get involved with this term! If any of these events tickle your fancy and you would like more information on how to get involved, send me an e-mail at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

 CANstruction: People have always told you to not play with your food, but not this time! Join us to build a six foot tall structure out of cans at Conestoga mall, with all the food used being donated to the Waterloo Food Bank!

Education Outreach: Want to inspire the next generation of engineers?? We will be volunteering at a children’s museum in Kitchener three times this term running fun and exciting engineering experiments to get them amped up for science and engineering!

Bus Push: It’s called bus push but it’s actually PULLING a bus from the University all the way down King street to Kitchener collecting donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This super fun event draws a big crowd and is a great way to get involved in the community!!

Rube Goldberg Machine: For National Engineering Month we will be participating in a provincial wide Rube Goldberg machine contest! A Rube Goldberg machine is a series of complex tasks that completes a simple objective so we need all the tinkering, creative engineering types out to help us build the biggest, baddest machine!

Engineering a Difference: If volunteering is your passion then engineering a difference is for you! Exciting opportunities will be running throughout the term working with non-profit organizations in our surrounding community!

Spring Clean-up: Everything needs a bit of spring clean-up! We will be helping out the community and showing our pride in our engineering space! Come out and help clean up!

 In addition to all of this we will also be making new friends this term with McMaster by attending the fabulous McMaster Mac Eng Musical! On top of that we are working with Architecture to get them back home and visit us at one of our events!

 That’s all for me for now but stay tuned for more events, more fun, and more goats (#goatteam14) in my next article!

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