
President: E7, RidgidWare, and Elections!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello wonderful people, and welcome! (back!)

With only five IW articles left in my executive career, I am happy to say that there are some pretty exciting things happening this term!

Engineering 7!!! I am sure that most of you have heard about the Faculty’s plans for a brand new, world class engineering building. I sit as the undergraduate student representative on two different committees related to designing and allocating the space in Engineering 7. Although no numbers are confirmed, I can say with confidence that pretty much the entire first floor is dedicated to undergraduate students. There will be study space, a second C&D and an electronic components shop to name a few.

Speaking of the electronic components shop, the Engineering Society is currently in the process of creating RidgidWare, which will serve as a one stop shop for all of your electronics needs. It will have an inventory of common components and will also be a place where you can go talk to knowledgeable people about your needs, as well as take advantage of discounts with bulk orders of components. We are hoping to have the doors to RidgidWare open in March, so keep an eye out for that!

Also something of much importance is the Engineering Town Hall which is happening today (Wednesday) at 4:45 in E5 3106. The Dean and Associate Deans will be updating all of the students on the faculty’s progression in line with their goals set out for 2015.

On a more Engineering Society specific note: we recently formed a Governance Review Committee that will be looking into the current structure of the Society and providing recommendations for changes. The committee is tasked with specifically looking into incorporation, general meetings, and a board of directors for the Society.

Nominations are now open for my replacement! If you are interested in providing your vision to the Society, and leading it for the next 16 months, you should definitely consider running! Please feel free to ask me any questions about the position. Remember to keep an eye open for the nomination period for the VP positions as well, which are coming soon!

That is all I have to update on at the moment, if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

Thanks, and see you in two weeks on these here pages!

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