
VP Education: Goodbye

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Everyone! This article is bitter sweet, and will be the last one I will ever write to you as VP Education. My term has come to an end, and Permeg Kenth will be your new B-Soc VP Ed.  I am very excited and confident that she will do a great job representing the student body on all of your needs. I am sure you will find out a lot more about her once she is on term, but she is extremely approachable and friendly, so do not hesitate to contact her at the same VP Education email, vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

Before my term is up, I have some last pieces of advice I would like to share with you. For your next term, make sure you check the exam bank for practice midterms. There were many submissions this term and I strongly recommend you check it out to help you prepare for your exams. Also, never hesitate to email Permeg or any of the exec if you have questions! We learn a lot from your suggestions, feedback and questions, and faculty employees are always interested in hearing student opinions.

Good luck on final exams everyone! And have a great break before your coop term begins


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