
VP External: MOVEMBER!!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
Hello everybody! It’s that time of the year again, time to don your favourite shirt and strut your stuff because you, yes you, are growing a fabulous mustache.  For those of you who did know, it’s Movember! The lovely Movember directors, Lisa and Steve, have been busy this past month setting up for Movember. There are donation boxes in the EngSoc Office and picture outside POETS of our Mo Reps current mustache statuses. Also happening this month is the Santa Claus Parade! If you’re interested in helping out please let me know and I’ll put you in touch with our director.
Congrats to those who were selected to attend the Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference and the National Conference on Women in Engineering.  We’re off to PEO SC this weekend and NCWiE the following weekend so I’ll be in and out a lot. These two conference look like they’ll be great and I can wait to share what we learn at them with you all!  Good luck to those who applied to the First Year Integration Conference and Congress.  Sarah Rose is taking care of those applications.
My transition with Sarah Rose is going well. She’s just learning the daily ins and outs of being exec and on the external side of things. If you ahve any questions for myself or Sarah Rose please email us at vpexternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.
Thank you to Shari and her directors as well for running another successful Waterloo Engineering Competition.  I was around Friday night and every looked great and everyone seemed to be in good spirits.  Congratulations to the winning teams who will be representing Waterloo B at the Ontario Engineering Competition!  Thank you to everyone who participated in this fine event, without you, we wouldn’t have such an amazing WEC.

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