
VP Finance: Sponsorships!…and ECIF.

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

And the most interesting news I have is … Sponsorship has been decided! [Below/above/etc] is a table showing what groups and teams applied for this term, and what the Sponsorship Committee decided to allocate to whom. The allocations were ratified at the EngSoc Council meeting last week and are now official. Teams and groups can start claiming their funding as soon as they would like. The process is slightly different starting this term; we now ask that anyone looking for reimbursement to fill out an EngSoc Expense Form, which is available on the website or in the Orifice, and attach proof of purchase to the form. Forms can be submitted either via email or in person in the Orifice. In the Category column please write ‘Sponsorship’, and in the Description column put your team or group name and what you’ve purchased.
Also new this term people have the ability to claim both Sponsorship and P***5 prize money on either Society. In the past funding received on one Society (either A or B) could only be reimbursed during an on-stream term of that Society, however this term we’ve changed the structure slightly so that reimbursement can be given on either Society. This is only for Sponsorship and P***5 reimbursement. All other directorships will still have to wait for an on-stream term to be reimbursed.
Finally, tonight the ECIF Committee is meeting to decide where to allocate the $9000 we have this term for Capital Improvements. If you would like to submit a proposal please go to www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/ecif and do so by 5pm today. All ideas or suggestions are encouraged!

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