
Outreach Galore!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The term may soon be coming to a close, but there is still a lot of time between now and then. And to fill that time, Waterloo has a lot of great opportunities. Listed below are some of these programs, which provide a great study break or opportunity to meet fantastic new faces!

Community Volunteering

If you’re interested in volunteering in the Waterloo community there are a few opportunities coming up in November and December.  Engineering a Difference is going to be visiting the Salvation Army to wrap Christmas presents in November and going to the Food Bank closer to December.  If you’re interested in helping out please join the Facebook group, Engineering a Difference.

There will also be an event at THEMUSEUM on October 26th called Engineering in Action.  It runs from 9:30 until 4:30 but there is a chance for half day shifts.  At this event you’ll be showing elementary aged school students science experiments, demonstrations, and fun engineering based activities to help inspire them.  Some topics include aerodynamics, reaction forces and surface tension and the activity are really fun and simple. It’s going to be a BLAST. Please email vpxternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca if you’re interested in volunteering.

Sorry guys but these next two opportunities are for the ladies.

Jobposting.ca presents: Young Women in Leadership Breakfast

This is a breakfast being hosted by Jobposting on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 in downtown Toronto.  The breakfast runs from 8:00AM to 10:00AM and is FREE! Registration is required because spots are limited.  There will be a panel and a Q & A session, and an opportunity to network. To sign up for the event please go to http://www.jobpostings.ca/form/131760?event_nid=131749.

Women in Engineering Mentoring Intiatives (WEMI)

This is a fantastic opportunity for female students in 2nd year or higher.  Participants will be partnered with female engineers in the Ontario Public Services.  To sign-up for this program please apply at  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WEMIsignup.

CEAB Graduate Attribute Feedback

The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) is looking for feedback about the graduate attribute system of accreditation.   Some background on the subject, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) introduced a new way to assess the quality of graduating engineering students.  The 13 attributes are: A knowledge base for engineering, Problem analysis, Investigation, Design, Use of engineering tools, Individual and team work, Communication skills, Professionalism, Impact of engineering on society and the environment, Ethics and equity, Economics and project management, and Life-long learning.  If you would like more information on the attributes please go to http://www.engineerscanada.ca/e/files/report_ceab_08_txt_only.pdf. The CFES is looking for student feedback on these 13 attributes and will be bringing your feedback to the CEAB.  Please fill out the form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CFES_Academic.

Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) Winter Courses

BEST is the European version of CFES and are extending an invitation to CFES member schools to attend their Winter Courses series as an observer.  Your tasks will include helping organize social and cultural components of the course, attending the academic sessions, sharing your experiences with the CFES, and showing your Canadian spirit.  Courses are typically 1 to 2 weeks in length, with about 20 hours of instruction each week.  Each course costs 45€ and the cost of your own airfare.  If this interests you please email me and I’ll forward you the details.


There is a never ending list of conferences for the Fall! Applications for both conferences are due November 1st by 11:59pm. Conference delegate will have all delegate fees and reasonable travel costs covered.

CFES Congress

Congress is a weeklong conference and a great introduction to the CFES.  During the week you will attend day time sessions, listen to key note speakers, and interact with students from across Canada.  This year’s Congress is hosted in Sherbrooke, QC from January 5-11th, 2014.  Please apply online at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/congress2014.

ESSCO First Year Integration Conference (FYIC)

FYIC is a first-year only conference held every year by ESSCO.  FYIC is a great introductory conference for first year students to ESSCO  and there are a lot of leadership development session.  This year FYIC is being hosted by Carleton in Ottawa, ON from February 7-9th, 2014.  Please apply online at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/FYIC2014.

Thank you!  Have a great week and Halloween!



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