
President: New Kids on the Block

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi there everyone. I hope midterms are treating/have treated you well. Don’t worry first years. I know midterms were rough, but later on in upper years midterms will be…just as rough.
I’ve been an EngSoc exec for about 30 months now. That’s longer than the 2016s have been in the university. But in 2 months or so, I will finally be off the executive team and a new set of executive will take control. So I figured I’d take the time (and some IW space) to introduce the new B-Soc exec.
Let’s start with the star player, the POTES (President of The Engineering Society), El Presidente (or El President B). Your new B-Soc President will be Allyson Francis. Allyson’s been involved in EngSoc from her 1st term, and she hasn’t looked back since. She’s held at least one directorship every term since her 1B, including the first year mentoring program this term, which is going so well. She sits on the University Senate, so she already has experience representing you to the faculty and the administration. She has tons of ideas to improve EngSoc, and even though I’m a little bit skeptical of some of them, I really hope that she manages to implement those ideas and improve the society.
VP Education
Her posters may have been a tad ridiculous (c’mon we all know that fetch is not going to happen!), but I’m sure that Permeg Kenth will rock the VP Education role. I did not that she was interested in the role until the beginning of this term, but she went all out to find out more about VP Education and how it can better improve the society. VP Education is one of those positions that can be mystical sometimes because they go to a lot of meetings, some of which are confidential. I’m glad to see that Permeg is interested in making the role a little more transparent. She said that well done is greater than well said, and I expect her to do great things in the next 16 months.
VP External
Sarah-Rose ran a kickass campaign for an uncontested position. I can only imagine how awesome her campaign would’ve been if she was actually competing for VP External. Basically, Sarah-Rose is amazing. She’s enthusiastic, she’s energetic, she’s friendly, and she gets things done. In her first year she organized a student-faculty hockey game, and she managed to get the Dean to do the ceremonial puck drop. Earlier this year we introduced the First Year Commissioner, and honestly, I could not see anyone other than Sarah-Rose as the First Year Commissioner, and she’s doing an awesome job. I know she’ll be just as awesome as a VPX.
VP Internal
Your new VP Internal, Mathieu Tremblay, is also the current Student Life Commissioner, which is convenient because the Student Life Commissioner works with the VP Internal to help directors run their events as best as they can. They help directors with scheduling, logistics, advertising, and pretty much wherever the directors need help. Mathieu has also run several directorships in the past. Basically what I’m trying to say is the man has experience, and I’m sure that his experience will come in handy in the next 16 months.
VP Finance
Last but not least we have the VP Finance aka VP Cash Money. I’m excited to see Melissa Ferguson as the new VP Finance. She already knows how to run Novelties since she has been effectively running Novelties for the past two terms. She also organized coverall day this term, and ran multiple directorships in the past, including POETS manager and mental health. With a little bit of transition from Peter, our current VP Finance, she’ll be rocking it in no time.

I also should add that WEEF has a new director as well. Steven Buckley will be the new WEEF director. I’m sure he’ll do a great job, and I wish him all the best.
Well there you have it kids. Your new exec. If you see them down the halls, say hi to them, congratulate them, and get to know them a little better. Because they are going to be in charge pretty soon.
Well that’s all from me for now.

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