Hi Everyone!
To all the first years who have completed their first midterm week, congratulations on surviving such a tough week! To everyone else still facing midterms, keep up the good work. Hopefully everyone’s exams go well; if they didn’t go as well as expected, there is still time to turn those marks around. Midterms can be very stressful, especially if you leave your studying to the night before. For midterm week especially, it is crucial to start reviewing material ahead of time and asking questions early. I highly recommend attending professor and TA office hours to ask any questions you have so they can help you understand all of your course content. Also, we currently have an exam bank available on the EngSoc website which is accessible to all engineering students. This exam bank is kept up to date by engineering students who submit their old exams – so if you have any please email them or drop them off at the orifice. Not only is this process completely anonymous, but you also get to return the favour to other students, and earn P**5 points for your class, so it’s a win-win-win situation!
On the subject of coop, a special thanks to everyone who completely the 8 month coop survey, there were over 750 responses which is fantastic. This data will be processed and will be able to strongly represent the feelings of undergraduate students. I will be creating a report on this data very soon. On the topic of coop, the rankings came out last Friday – good luck to everyone, and I hope everyone remembered that rankings closed on Monday at 2pm. For everyone who has yet to have gotten an interview or a job after this ranking, do not worry! There is still second round rankings, as well as continuous round where you can continue to apply to new jobs every day.
Remember, study, keep a level head, and have fun!
VP Education: Midterms and Coop
Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
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