
VP External – Leila Meema-Coleman (ESSCO is BESSCO)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Holy cow! I cannot believe that this term is almost over. It seems like yesterday that I was sitting in the Orifice stressing over what the heck I was going to write for my first Iron Warrior article. Now look at me, a professional writer in less than three months! Any who, in this article I am going to focus on one part of my portfolio that I haven’t really touched on this term and that is the external organizations that I interact with. ESSCO, or Engineering Student Societies Council of Ontario for the acronymophobes, is a provincial body that works to represent Ontario engineering students and you are all member simply by being an EngSoc member! If this organization is something you would like to get involved with there is many ways to do so! Two in particular are by attending conferences or becoming a director. There are two directorships applications open right now in ESSCO and you can apply at essco.ca. They are a great way to meet people from all over Ontario, develop your leadership skills and make an impact on the provincial level. The two directorship positions are below. If you have questions about either position or applying please e-mail me at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

Math and Science Day Director
The Math and Science Day director is responsible for helping facilitate a day at Canada’s Wonderland to help judge the high school roller coaster competition. They will liaise with the schools, recruit volunteers and work on promoting engineering outreach.

National Engineering Month (NEM) Director
The NEM director is responsible for coordinating a province wide Rube-Goldberg machine connecting over ten schools across Ontario. They work with the schools to plan the machine as well as the Ontario Society for Professional Engineers (OSPE) to plan a NEM finale event at the C.N. Tower where the machine will be unveiled.

In addition if you would like to get the chance to interact with ESSCO or the Canadian Federation of Students (CFES), you should go to conferences. Conferences bring together engineering students from across the country to get together and learn from each other and share ideas. In the fall term there are two conferences that you can apply to attend: the National Conference for Women in Engineering (NCWIE) and the Professional Engineers of Ontario Student Conference (PEO-SC). NCWIE focuses on increasing diversity in engineering whereas PEO-SC focuses on professional development and expanding your professional network. I will be opening applications for both these conferences at the beginning of September so if you are interested stay tuned!

Lastly I want to thank each and every one of my directors who put in so much effort this term! I cannot believe how successful they all were! I can’t wait to see all of you again in the fall with even newer and more exciting events but until then have a fantabulous coop!

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