
President – David Birnbaum (Joint Council, Student Awards AND Student Discounts (For you!))

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

How the time has flown!

Cheers to being done midterms (for most of you); I hope they weren’t any more painful than mine.

First, PRIDE. EngSoc is going to Pride in Toronto this SUNDAY! Tickets can be bought in the EngSoc office for $15 for a bus there and back, t-shirt, swag items, AND lunch! Also, there may or may not be a very super special guest coming to Pride too! You do NOT want to miss out!

Before I get to the title stories; I attended a meeting with all of the Department Chairs last week to talk about increasing the amount of engagement the Society has with them. All of the Chairs were very receptive and I have already begun having one-on-one meetings to talk about how we can work together to serve students. I am very excited, and pleased, that the Chairs are all on board. You should all be quite proud of our Faculty here! If you have items you would like me to bring up and talk about with the Chairs, please let me know.

Joint Council took place this past Saturday. It is a meeting of both A-Society and B-Society where we vote on increasing the Engineering Society Fee, as well as any other motions that come up. At Joint Council, we passed a motion to increase the fee by the Consumer Price Index, to account for inflation, from $15.01 to $15.22. As well, we approved a change in our election procedures; both Societies will now be using a ranked voting system. In all future elections, you will rank the candidates in order of preference, and the winner will be determined by that. The full explanation of how the new system works can be found in the Policy Manual on the Engineering Society website.

For the student awards, I am meeting with Associate Dean Loucks today in the hope of getting the Policy finalized. So, by the Fall term, we will be offering a $1000 student award each term!

With regard to STUDENT DEALS, I would like to start by giving a huge thank you to my directors Aryn Cain and Tiffany Mah. They have been working with me since before the term started to get this program established, and it is finally here! We have partnered with a few local restaurants to provide Engineering Society members with discounts! That means that unless you got your Engineering Society Fee refunded this term, you can use them! The program has not launched yet, but you will DEFINITELY be getting informed when it does within the next couple of weeks. You will simply need to come by the Society Office to get your student deals sticker and then show it at the restaurants to reap the rewards. What you can look forward to; 15% off all food at Molly Blooms, 10% of all food and drink at Sweat Dreams Teashop, 10% off food at Vegetarian and Fast Food Restaurant, and a deal at Kickoff!

Again, we will MAKE SURE TO LET YOU ALL KNOW as soon as this is officially launched, but GET EXCITED!

Other than that, the surveys, textbook library, and everything else is still making good progress, and you will probably be hearing more about it soon.

As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns, please email me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you, and be sure to stop by Ice Tea Mondays; free ice tea every Monday from 3-5 on POETS Patio!

David Birnbaum

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