
Presidents – David Birnbaum (And the Saga Continues)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello again everybody!

I hope you have been having as great of a term so far as I have.

To update on what I talked about last issue, we are still making good progress. The exam bank is currently being discussed by the departments, but I am hopeful for a soft launch sometime this term. The scholarship program is in its final stages of revision, and should be finalized in the next week or two. The textbook library is up and has a decent amount of textbooks. We will be sending a call out for donations to the library hopefully this month, in order to have it more full and useful before we open it for business.

Everyone should be sure to check their Waterloo email account, as we have sent a survey out about the Faculty of Engineering. This survey will serve as a great resource for what I talk to the Dean about, and what we spend time focusing on. Keep in mind that if you answer you will be entered into a draw for an iPad mini! The results from the last survey, on Engineering Society Services, should be available publicly by the end of the term.

I attended the Board of Directors meeting for the Sanford Fleming Foundation, where we discussed various items including a potential fee increase. The SFF will be looking to increase the fee by $1, but not for another year or so. At Engineering Faculty Council, we voted on a few changes to the undergraduate calendar, most significant of which were changes to the 1B Mechanical term. They have removed Physics, GENE 121 and the Econ course from that term, and replaced them with a CSE and a new ME101 course.

Engineering Society Joint Council will be coming up on the weekend of July 22nd, with the time and place to be finalized. The main item of discussion will be an EngSoc Fee increase of the CPI (approximately 3%.) This is to allow us to keep our buying power equal with inflation. If you are against a fee increase (of about 45 cents) please plan to attend the meeting and voice your concerns, or at least let your EngSoc Class Representative know.

For more information about any or all of these items, please either email me, check out previous IW articles, join the mailing list, or come to the EngSoc meetings. You can also always find me in the Engineering Society Office, CPH 1327, and I am always happy to answer questions.

As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns, please email me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you, and be sure to stop by Ice Tea Mondays: free ice tea every Monday from 3PM to 5PM on the POETs Patio!

David Birnbaum

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