
VPs Internal – Brendan O’Hanlon & Annamaria Reda (Midterms, Parties and Meetings)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The last few weeks have been busy haven’t they? TalEng, the engineering talent show, was a blast for everyone except for those of us who had goat’s milk poured on them (alright, it wasn’t so bad). There have been a number of workshops on topics like interview skills, photography, and jobs outside Jobmine. Enginuity ran a coin-catapult design competition, with competitors earning a combined total of 4000 P**5 points! And, there was an Engineering water fight/water slide, because who doesn’t love summer water slides?

Recently, we met with a representative from MathSoc to discuss shared events open to both EngSoc and MathSoc. We agreed that many events are suitable for participation from both faculties, so we’ve invited MathSoc to join us at Engplay, paintball, tetris tournament, as well as an Eng vs. Math soccer tournament on Friday the 14. MathSoc will also try to set up a capture-the-flag event, which engineers will be invited to.

We’d like to remind everyone that on most Mondays, weather permitting, EngSoc executive will be hanging out on the POETS patio, with FREE ICED TEA for anyone who stops by. Engineering students are encouraged to talk to the executive about anything, be it an idea you’d like to see happen, an academic issue, or even ask us about what was found in some of the lockers that finally got cut open in E2. Some examples of events that have arisen from students’ ideas are Sushi Workshop, LAN Party, and Tau Day.

Unfortunately, midterms are quickly approaching (and for some of us already here) so the next week will not have any special events or workshops, except for MOT party on Friday (21st). We do encourage you to party hard at MOT, but remember that the Summer Leader Retreat for Orientation Week and EngSoc Joint Council meeting are on the next day, Saturday. Midterms, parties and meetings, oh my! As well, Genius Bowl is coming up on Tuesday the 25th – you can sign up a team on the EngSoc Office doors.

A unique event last week promoting mental health awareness showed us that although midterms, assignments, and Jobmining might get you down, you’re not alone. Engineering students who participated in PostSecret week submitted an anonymous secret to a ballot box. At the end of the week, the secrets were posted on the wall in the CPH Foyer. These showed how students felt and dealt with issues like stress, relationships, and self-confidence, among others. We’re glad that students had this opportunity to anonymously share a secret about themselves to promote mental health awareness, and want to remind everyone that counselling services are available for those who seek it through Engineering Councillors and University Councillors.

That just about sums everything up, so have fun and good luck with midterms!

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