
VP Finance – Kevin McNamara (Sponsorship and Capital Improvements)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

It’s that time of the term to start thinking about two very important sections of the EngSoc budget: Sponsorship and ECIF!

Sponsorship applications are now open! The committee is selected and the dates are set. For those of you who don’t know what sponsorship is from EngSoc, each term we allocate a certain amount of our budget to go towards sponsoring student groups. Any Waterloo club, team, or group is eligible to apply. Sponsorship applications must include the following items: 1) Team or Group Name, 2) Overview of team/group, 3) Contact information, 4) Detailed explanation of why your group should be sponsored by EngSoc, how your group is beneficial to Engineering Students, and the percentage of your group who are Engineering undergrads, 5) A detailed price breakdown of the proposed funding. Please indicate which items are the most important to your group (i.e. rank the items based on which you would most like to receive sponsorship for to least), 6) The different sponsorship recognition levels your group offers, 7) The length of your design cycle/life cycle. 8) Total normal operating cost and the number of sponsors usually obtained in a cycle. Applications can be sent to me either by email (vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca), or dropped off in the Orifice (CPH1327). Applications will be due on Friday, June 28, at 4:30PM. Each group that submits an application will have the chance to present to the sponsorship committee on Sunday July 7 in CPH3607, and the allocations will be presented at EngSoc Meeting 5.

ECIF is the Engineering Capital Improvements Fund. Similar to sponsorship, each term a certain amount of the budget is allocated to this fund, however this money is used to make capital purchases that improve student space and services in the Engineering Faculty. This can be for improvements to EngSoc facilities (POETS, CnD), supporting new services provided by the Society, improving facilities of the affiliates (Iron Warrior!), and anything else that the ECIF Committee feels will be beneficial to undergraduate engineers. This term, something I would like to do is increase awareness of what ECIF has purchased in the past and also work to get more submissions. Submissions are accepted all the time and they can be sent in via the EngSoc website at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/services/ecif-application. If you have any ideas of something that EngSoc could purchase and install that would help to improve your experience, feel free to make a submission on the website or ask me about it. The committee will be meeting in mid to late July and the allocations will be presented at EngSoc Meeting 6. If you have any questions at ECIF, please let me know. That’s about it for this issue and, as always, feel free to come by the Orifice or send me an email if you want to know anything about money!

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