Welcome back Waterloo!
I hope you all had as exciting and productive co-op terms as I did and are excited to be back on campus! This term is going to be jammed packed, so watch out for lots of exciting new initiatives! To update you on what I was working on over the winter term…
Congress and First-year integration conference!
I had the pleasure to take 5 delegates to the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) congress in our very own Waterloo this January. Along with the all of the knowledge that was gained during the sessions, the new executive officers were elected and I would like to give a huge congratulations to Lisa Belbeck (former VP External) who is the new president of the CFES!! In addition, five AMAZING first years and I traveled up to Thunder Bay for a first year leadership conference which focused on ways to get involved, the sharing of best practices, and developing personal skills. I am so proud of all of the delegates who were all active participants and represented Waterloo so well. They all came away with many ideas and I can’t wait to see what amazing things they do for our Engineering Society!
First Year Commissioner Position!
One thing our society can always improve on is supporting our first year students during their first term and welcoming them into the Engineering Community. On a recommendation from the faculty, we are working on completely revamping our Frosh Mentoring Program. Over the winter term I worked with the B-Soc VP Education Megan McNeil and created the First Year Program. It will feature a new position, the first year commissioner, who will be in charge of answering first year questions over the summer, a new first year section of the website, planning events in the fall term, and being the face of the Society to the first years. I will continue to be working on setting up this program and developing it more so stay tuned!
Charities and Outreach!
Summer is a busy term for charities and outreach so all of my amazing directors and myself have been hard at work ALL winter preparing! To give you a heads up on some of the exciting events coming up, we have Charity Pancakes making its return every Thursday mornings, Change for Change week back with a new twist, PURPLEPALOOZA giving you the chance to re-live your frosh week and get purple while helping charity, Bottle Drives helping clear the clutter of your floor, and finally Engineering at The Museum giving you a chance to give back to the community and inspire some kids to love engineering!
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