
Directorship Applications Open for Fall 2013

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Happy Spring, you lovely people!

Warmer weather is in the air and all I can dream about is ice cream and lying in the sun. As the term comes to an end, I can’t help but reflect on my first term as your VPI and how awesome this term has been. Yasser did it last week, but I want to give a huge thank you to the directors who made this term happen. (You know who you are!) It was definitely a difficult term, with all of the regular winter events, snow, and the week we lost, but we still managed to make this term happen and everything worked out!

Though things are winding down, there’s still a couple of events left in this term’s calendar, so make sure you soak up all the fun time before the co-op term starts!

EngPlay will be showing once on Wednesday, April 3 and twice on Sunday, April 7. The directors and cast have been putting an insane amount of work into the production, so you know it’s going to be great!
The End of Term party is happening on Friday, April 5 at 8 pm in POETS. Come celebrate the end of the term with your fellow undergrad engineers and say your final farewells to the 2013s!

On top of that, the end of the term means that directorship applications are opening up again! If you’re looking to take up a leadership position, get more involved in extra-curricular activities, or have an idea for an event or service that you think could benefit undergraduate engineers, you should apply for a directorship! Directors work with the executives and commissioners to run specific events and services. Some of the directorships include:

  • Santa Claus Parade
  • Resume Critiques
  • Year Spirit
  • TalEng
  • EngPlay
  • Music (i.e. Coffee House)
  • POETS Manager
  • Athletics
  • Outreach

For a complete list of directorships, check out the EngSoc website! If you don’t see something you like, feel free to suggest an idea for a new directorship. Applications will be open soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for those!

If you have any questions about the positions or want some advice on which ones to apply for, feel free to contact me or any of the other executives! We’d be more than happy to chat.

Although this is the last of my IW reports for the term, I can’t wait to see you in the fall and find out what that term brings!

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