
Waterloo Engineering: Bringing Out the Artist in You

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As the stress of midterms melts away and we wait for finals to hit us, now is a great time to appreciate some of the finer things in life. EngSoc isn’t all about meetings, hockey, and puppies! We’ve got some great things in store for you fine, sophisticated folk.

If you missed the first coffee house, don’t be sad! The second one of the term is going to be held on Wednesday March 27 at 8:00 PM in POETS. It’s a great time to relax and enjoy some sweet tunes and delicious caffeine. Bring your friends! Bring your homework! Anything goes. If you’d like to play, check the Orifice doors for the signup sheet!

If you’re looking for something on a bigger scale, TalEng is coming up on Sunday, March 24! If you or anyone you know has an amazing talent they’d like to share, this is the perfect opportunity to do so! On top of that, if you and any of your friends are coming to the Winter Leader Retreat that day, this is the perfect place to chill before you all go your separate ways. Come out to WILF’s Restaurant & Bar (at WLU) at 8:00 PM for some food, drinks, and a good time. All ages are welcome and they’ll even have the same food and drink deals that are available on PubCrawls. If you’d like to perform, there’s a sign up sheet available on the Orifice doors!

If neither of these seem like your thing, you should give EngPlay a shot! Your fellow engineering students have been slaving away for the whole term to put on this year’s musical and comedic drama: Standardized Testing! There are three showings, so you have plenty of chances to watch the hilarity ensue: Wednesday, April 3, at 8:00 PM, and Sunday April 7, at 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. More details will be announced soon, but be on the lookout for tickets! It’s always a great time, so be sure to bring your friends too!

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