
WEEF Proposal Deadlines and Interim Directors

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello friends! Welcome to another lovely term of WEEF generosity. We hope that you all had a great Fall term, and are happy to see the start of another WEEF season. As usual, we will be accepting proposals from worthy engineering student initiatives to obtain part of the $60 000 of funding. The key things that you need to know are:

  • Proposals are due on February 15th, 2013 (Friday before Reading Week)
  • Department Presentations on Monday, March 4th, 2013
  • Student Team Presentations on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
  • Funding Council Decision Meeting on Monday, March 11th, 2013

So, mark your calendars! Also, creating and submitting your proposal has never been easier. Just go to www.weef.ca/new for the step-by-step form.

For all representatives, please check the WEEF website to ensure that we have the correct representatives listed (under “People”) for each class. For those of you in 1B, or ECE, please ensure that if you have a new class you still have a WEEF rep!

Now onto more serious business. This term Brock Kopp (past Society A Director) and Laurin Benson (past Society B Director) will be sharing the WEEF mantle and executing most of the Winter 2013 WEEF-tivities. As this is a disruption to the usual term structure, WEEF will be holding a by-election this term alongside EngSoc to fill the position of Society B’s WEEF Director for Fall 2013. This will only be a 4-month position, after which WEEF will return to its normal executive cycle. Also, if you aren’t quite up for being the Director, WEEF always loves Assistant Directors and Board of Directors members! Contact us if you are interested in getting involved with WEEF and working on your organizational, marketing, communication, and negotiating skills.

That’s the dish for now – See you next issue!

To get a hold of WEEF, email weef@uwaterloo.ca, visit www.weef.ca, or just find your class representative!

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