Tin Soldier

Apple trademarks the letter sqrt(-1)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The day has come. Apple has chosen to further assert corporate control over the loyal masses. Safety from the malevolent tyranny of the trademark must be assured when the object of your converse has the word iPhone©, iTunes©, iTouch©, iPod©, iPad© or iControl©. We are at the mercy of the corporate world. When we use the trademarked letter out of context, we must pay a steep penalty. For every moment that we hold off the company has won. The Apple mob has come to have no bounds.
The day has come, the day happens to be sad. Mourn for the young ones who never have the chance to see the letter out of proper context, but only as a symbol of Apple’s power. From now on the letter can only be seen as a symbol of banal gadgetry and powerful people. Our alphabet has decreased by one letter. Our vowel count has gone from 5 to 4. Only ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘O’, ‘U’ and sooner or later the forgotten vowel ‘Y’ are left for open usage.
But look at us –  we who are from Canada have not yet lost our cultural character. We can say ‘Canada’ when asked from whence we come. Others are not so lucky. The places that formerly began by way of the letter represented by (sqrt(-1)) such as (sqrt(-1)) reland, (sqrt(-1)) raq, and  (sqrt(-1))celand, have all been granted forty days grace to create new names. What are your votes? Perhaps (sqrt(-1)) reland should become Beerland or Greenland but hold up! The name Greenland was long ago granted to a country but maybe an exchange may be warranted. (sqrt(-1))celand could become Greenland and the current Greenland  could become the Land of Snow or perhaps the Lonelylands would be a more apt name.
The moral of the story, a catastrophe really, happens to be that the present state of language has left the present tense.  For those among us who detest the many tenses of language there should be much joyousness. For the rest, there happens to be naught but hopelessness.

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