
Take Care of All the Learnin’ Things

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Greetings engineers! I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the support that I received during my campaign. I am very excited to be your next Engineering Society, VP Education. There is already a lot on-the-go in preparation for the upcoming months, and I would like to highlight some of what is going on.

This past week our new Exec team held interviews for the Spring 2013 term commissioner positions. Directorship applications have also been opened, so apply now! Additionally, your current VP Ed, Derek Thompson, has began transitioning me to bring me up to speed with current affairs. This coming Monday, I will be accompanying Derek to the Co-op Working Group meeting for an introduction to the co-op program development process here at Waterloo.

Over the Winter term, I plan to review and edit the existing EngSoc Policy Manual with the rest of our Exec team and B-Soc. We hope to have the manual cleaned up and ready for use in time for the start of the Spring term. At the same time, I will stay in touch with the B-Soc VP Ed, Megan McNeil, to stay on top of developments in our domain. Of particular interest will be the much anticipated implementation of PDF resumes in JobMine, which will hopefully occur this upcoming term.

I am looking forward to representing the engineering student body during my term of office. As mentioned in my campaign, it has been proposed that departments in engineering create eight month co-op streaming options. I plan on surveying engineering students to determine the general consensus of how students would like to see this implemented as soon as the details of the proposed changes are confirmed.

I wish you all the best of luck with your exams, and look forward to seeing you next May.

Signing off,

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