
Already in Transition?

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Oh, hello there!

So this part of the term has been pretty quiet for me in regards to my role as VP Finance, there are just a few things going on.

First, again, is sponsorship. The proposed allocations of sponsorship were approved at the last EngSoc meeting, and teams can now pick up their allocated funds. The breakdown can be found on the EngSoc website.

Coveralls are finally in, as are the new directorship and EngPlay patches. EngPlay patches will be in Novelties soon and all of the directors will be getting their patches at the 6th EngSoc meeting so be sure to come out to that!

The degree frames are also in, and will be in Novelties soon! They are extremely nice and provide an affordable alternative to those offered by the University.

MOVEMBER! It is upon us. Head over to Novelties or the EngSoc Office and purchase an awesome Movember patch. 100% of the proceeds go to support the Movember cause!

The ECIF Committee will be meeting soon, and needs to make its presentation at Council Meeting 6. If you have any ideas about how you can improve the Engineering Society or any other space on campus, just send me an email with your idea and I will bring it forward! I will be starting the process of re-doing the ECIF form and other items on the website but, for now, the best way to have your voice heard is to send me an email.

At Council Meeting 4, we finally passed the new Constitution and Bylaws for the Engineering Society. The other executives and I are extremely happy to have these new official documents and are available for review on the Engineering Society website as well.

You should all be super pumped for your next VP Finance, Kevin McNamera( pronounce Mic-NAM-err-ah). I have already started to transition him, and am super excited for what he will bring to the role and the Engineering Society.

Thanks for reading, and as always, if  you have any questions just email me at vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

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