
UW Engineering: Surprisingly Artisitc

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Well, the lovely crisp autumn days of October have frozen over into the bleak, colourless days of November. The bright, fall colours might be gone but the Engineering Society still has a number of great events and workshops to attend while you count down the days until end of lectures.

Prepare yourself for the cultural event of the term: the Engplay! The comedic and dramatic talents of your fellow students will keep you entertained with the return of the termly Engineering play. The cast and crew have worked tirelessly the entire term to put this show together, so be sure to come out to one of the three showings:  Wednesday, November 14th at 8PM(after the EngSoc meeting),  Friday November 16th at 7PM, and Saturday November 17th at 7PM.

Want to see more artistic endeavours? Come out to Band Wars to see the musical stylings of your peers on Wednesday November 21st, from 8PM-12PM. Listen to some awesome music, support your friends, and meet new ones at this all-ages event. Band Wars will be hosted at Maxwell’s Music House at King and University, across the street from Laurier University, only a short bus ride or walk from UWaterloo campus.

Missed out on the first sushi workshop earlier in the term? Well, never fear! Another amazing Sushi Workshop is coming your way on Tuesday November 27th, from 5-7 PM. Sign up on the Orifice door closer to the date. Spots fill up quickly, so watch your inboxes for updates in the weekly EngSoc digest email!


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