
Yet Another Election Courtesy of Your CRO!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello again to all you engineers! By now you must be wondering, who is this annoying person, why are they sending me so many e-mails, and when will it stop?!

It’s just me, Elizabeth Foran, the Engineering Society CRO, just trying to run some elections. In case you’ve been under a rock for the past little while, we’ve had a presidential election, during which David Birnbaum was elected as the next Engineering Society ‘A’ President. The EngSoc Executive Elections finished up last week with the following results: Leila Meema-Coleman for VP External, Annamaria Reda and Brendon O’Hanlon together for VP Internal, Drew Dutton for VP Education, and of course, Kevin McNamara for VP Finance. Congrats to all of the new execs, and the best of luck during your future terms. Also, congrats to the current exec on your closing terms. You’ve all done so much for the society, and your time and contributions are greatly appreciated.

Now on to the real reason why I’m bothering you yet again. The position of WEEF Director has yet to be filled for the upcoming terms. For those who don’t know, WEEF is the Waterloo Engineering Endowment Fund. It gets you money for things in your faculties, student teams, and engineering clubs. The WEEF Director is the person who chairs the Funding Council Meetings, the Board of Directors Meetings and the Annual General Meeting. The director also manages and oversees all work not directly under the Board or the Funding Council.

No one applied to be WEEF director when the nomination forms went out with the EngSoc executive nomination forms, so it is now necessary to have a by-election to fill the position. This means that we are now undergoing a third election.

As this is the third time we are having an election, I’m sure you know the drill. Link sent to Waterloo email, use link to vote, yay elections. Something that I would very much like to stress is the need to make an educated vote. These people are going to be representing the student body to the faculty, alumni, and others outside of engineering for the next 16 months, and this is your chance to make your voice heard!! I understand that the constant bombardment of emails is getting annoying, but those emails are for your benefit. All you need to do is click, read, and click again, and then one last time to get out of the survey (I make no promises it will take exactly that amount of clicks). So for the small amount of your time it takes, there is no harm in making an educated vote for the well-being of your future here at Waterloo.

So, for this third (and ideally, last) time, I ask you to take the time to read the platforms, and make a vote for what you’d like to see in your faculty. WEEF is a huge help to engineering (look for the bright yellow stickers), and your votes will help WEEF to continue improving the lives of Waterloo Engineering students. Voting for the WEEF Director will open on November 17th, and close on the 20th. There will also not be a polling station, so please cast your vote, and make your mark on the Faculty of Engineering.

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