
VP Internal Nominations: Jillian

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello A-Soc!

My name is Jillian Adams and I am running to be your new VP Internal of the Engineering Society. As VP Internal, I would be representing you, the undergraduate engineering population, in matters relating to internal affairs. I would be working with directors and commissioners to provide you the services you need, and awesome social events. I believe through my involvement in EngSoc, previous experience in leadership positions and representing others, and my dedication to always do my best makes me an ideal candidate for this position.

In terms of experience, I have leadership roles in a variety of situations. I currently have two directorships and I am a class rep for both EngSoc and academics. Through these positions, I have learnt how to work effectively on a team, voice the concerns of others and turn ideas into realities.

As VP Internal, I would work towards developing a stronger relationship with other faculties, through collaborating with the other societies, to help run and promote more inter-faculty events. In addition, I would want to work on creating a branding policy to ensure that all engineering students gained a better understanding of what the Engineering Society is providing for you in terms of services, workshops and events. The Society is here to work for you and provide all engineering students with the tools you need to succeed.

Some other goals I would want to accomplish is to revamp the Frosh mentoring position and to work towards making it a point of contact for first year students, ensuring that they are introduced to not only the Engineering Society, but also all the great things this university and town have to offer them. I would also like to provide students with workshops such as converting resumes to HTML and interview skills.

In addition to these new ideas, I would ensure that the initiatives which started over the past terms continue to grow and develop into an integral part of the society. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me at jm3adams@uwaterloo.ca and for more information visit bit.ly/JillforVPI.

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