
VP Internal Nominations: Annamaria & Brendan

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey there! We’re Annamaria Reda and Brendan O’Hanlon, and we’re running together for VP Internal for the Engineering Society A. I (Brendan) am in 2A Nano, and run with a partner because of the Nano 8-month co-op. I (Annamaria) am in 2B Chem. We’re excited to run together because we have the same focus and goals for the society. Between us, we’ve held a number of directorships, including TalEng, Scavenger Hunt and EngPlay. This first-hand experience will help us govern our decisions as your VP Internal.

One of our objectives, if elected, is to promote EngSoc events and services to a wider audience of students. We aim to do this by focusing on new advertising methods, and improving existing ones. Examples include creating video ads for the new screens going into engineering buildings, and promoting the mailing list and the EngSoc Facebook group to students. We also aim to diversify the spectrum of events the Engineering Society offers. Social events are great, but we want to focus on enhancing events and services with an academic focus. We propose sessions such as “How to get a job outside of Jobmine” and “How to get involved and maintain your average” to benefit a greater range of students. One of our other goals would include working with the directors to revamp some of the older or smaller events to rekindle their spark.

We’d like to hear your input and ideas pertaining to events and services hosted by EngSoc, because, if elected, we’re working for you. We promise to give 100% (each) while serving as your VP Internal.

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