Good morning Waterloo Engineering!
My name is Leila Meema-Coleman and I am running to be the VP External of the Engineering Society. The role of the VP EX in the Society is to represent and be the voice of Waterloo Engineering to a number of external professional organizations, other universities, and in the community. They help run the charity and outreach initiatives and are responsible for working with the commissioner to run the Waterloo Engineering Competition. I believe that my experience and passion for this position will allow me to accomplish all of these responsibilities as well as my own goals and ideas.
I have a great deal of experience that would make be qualified to be the next VP External, as I am currently an executive on the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario as the VP Communications. Through this position I represent over 24 000 students from different schools across Ontario to various professional bodies. The VP External sits on the ESSCO council so I am already aware of the responsibilities and my role in representing Waterloo. I am also the EngSoc Communications Commissioner. This position has allowed me to gain experience in advertising and promoting the society. This is important for VP External to try and keep everyone informed of what’s going on outside of Waterloo. With this position, I also had the chance to work closely with the executive over the summer and this fall so I am aware how much work they put into the Society and what it takes to be a good executive member.
If I were elected to be your next VP External, I would represent Waterloo in a professional and informed manner and continue to grow the initiatives that have been started in the past few years. One of the new ideas that I want to bring to the Society is to create student involvement in the Grand-River Professional Engineers Ontario chapter. Professional development and networking opportunities are very important for students and I believe that we can make better use of the PEO chapter. Another goal that I hope to accomplish during my term is to increase the number of inter-school events and initiatives. I have already begun to do this by working this term to expand the Rube Goldberg machine to include the first year mechanical classes but I would like to see provincial wide initiatives like Movember and NEM become larger events at Waterloo.
If you want to read about some of my other ideas and qualifications you can read my full platform and profile at As VP External, I would continue to work hard to improve the Society and make it a service that students appreciate and see as beneficial. I want to thank you for taking the time to read through this article and I hope to have your support once the poles open. If you have any questions please email me at and I will be happy to answer them.
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