
EngSoc – P**5 Points

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, we will start off in a quick lesson about what P**5 means and stands for in our engineering community. I know I know, classes haven’t started yet and I am already making you learn.
Paul and Paula Plumber Participation Points. [p-to-the-five] P^5, P to the 5 (noun)
1. Is a term-long competition between all on-stream classes with the purpose of encouraging friendly class competition, promoting EngSoc event participation and rewarding spirited and involved classes.
In essence, the idea of P**5 is to get people out of their seats and enjoy what engineering has to offer by providing the incentive of class points when classes come out together and cheer for each other. Different ways you can collect points apart from the traditional engineering events is hosting class parties or get togethers or doing anything together as a class. Remember to document your shenanigans for proof for the P**5 directors. At the end of each semester, there are normally 3 winning classes who all win cash!
More information can be found on the web at www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/classes/p5 . There is huge list of potential points, so go out there and catch’em all.

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