Having good mental health is important in avoiding stress and having fun, even while working hard. UW has lots of help available, including awesome Engineering Counselling in CPH 1320.
Once in a while, try to take a break from your problems, clear your mind, and refresh. Last April, we had specially trained rehappification puppies come to POETS around final exam time. We plan on doing it again, not once, but twice (before Hell Week and finals, and maybe sometime random to boot). We have a couple of other surprises as well, so keep your eyes peeled and if you see me anywhere, feel free to talk.
A new term is starting, and everyone will be busy with school/coop (and life). Enjoy yourselves and do your best.
Hakuna matata.
Services – Mental Health Awareness
Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
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