
Parting Advice from your VP Education

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi everyone, this is my last EngSoc report! Get excited for new and improved reports from our new VPs Education Megan McNeil and Orysia Soroka!

For my last report, I thought I would end on a lighter note. Here are Owen’s top 10 (mostly serious) study tips for the average Engineering bunny!

  1. Sleep enough and try to keep a normal schedule.
  2. Shower, change your clothes, find time to exercise and eat healthily.
  3. Plan to have breaks in your studying, it helps with memory retention.
  4. Believe in yourself! Have confidence!
  5. Practise.
  6. Practise some more.
  7. Practise WITHOUT problem solutions.
  8. Magically get a photographic memory.
  9. Never leave an exam question blank; part marks FTW!
  10. Leave a note for the markers if you see your final answer as ridiculous, it shows you are thinking!

Exams can be scary, but with preparation and a positive attitude, the exam season can be a refreshing break from the school term. Don’t panic and I wish you success!

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