
Message from your Incoming President

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey! It’s me again! Did you miss me? Yea, I didn’t think so.

So I’m Yasser Al-Khder, current VP-External, and incoming President of Engineering Society ‘B’. A little bit about me; I’m in 3A Mechatronics Engineering, I was born in Kuwait and raised in Dubai, and I love stand-up comedy, especially British stand-up comedians. If you want to know more about me just drop by the Engineering Society Office (CPH 1327) and I’ll probably be there. You can also creep me on Facebook but I’d rather you don’t.

So, instead of writing about my hobbies and my favourite 1990’s rap artist (Dr. Dre of course), I decided to talk more about my goals for the next year and a half as President because I believe it would be more beneficial to you, dear reader.

I want the Engineering Society to cater to as many Engineering Students as possible and the first step towards accomplishing that is to gather as much feedback and listen to as many opinions as possible. This means that you will see me at some point next term asking for your opinion, whether it’s about a specific issue or just asking you in general, “what could be better around here?”. After that, I hope I will be able to understand the needs and wants of the engineering student body and act accordingly. Remember, you don’t need to wait for me to ask for your opinion; you can drop by the Engineering Society Office at any time and talk to me or any of the executives. We’ll be more than happy to listen.

Other goals that I wish to achieve along with my executive are reducing the quantity of events and increasing their quality, making council meetings more efficient, and improving representation to the administration and other parties, such as FedS.

That’s all I have to say for now. Good luck with exams!

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