
The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye, The New Beginning

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

With the term winding down, there are still quite a few things which need to be wrapped up in my portfolio. I will hopefully be finishing the EngSoc event form system by the end of the term so that it could potentially be integrated in with the new wiki. I will be passing the completed form to the A-Soc executive so that it can hopefully be used in the fall term. In terms of the new wiki, most static information on the website has been copied over and formatted. I will be in the process these next few weeks of updating the director portion of the wiki so that it can potentially be used by the new Winter 2013 directors.

There are still a few events being hosted this final week including the famous EngPlay, Rock Climbing, Cardboard Boat Racing and various charity events including float day, pancakes, and BBQ, to name a few. Don’t forget that for every event you attend, your class can earn P**5 points. This is the time when 100 points can make or break a class, so be sure to rally your class and take home the title of P**5 Champions! If your class has done anything together, whether it be studying, playing games or having a party, please submit photos of the event so we can give your class more points.

I would like to put a huge thank-you out there to all my directors who worked so hard this term to create such wonderful events. This was definitely a term of challenges, but we all got through them and I think it all worked out just fine. I want to also have a big shout-out for Student Life Commissioner AJ. He was a huge asset this term and I don’t think I would have been able to do everything I did without him.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for a great run as VP-Internal over these last 16 months.  It has definitely been an eye-opening experience and I value every aspect, both good and bad. I wish Catherine Declaro all the best in taking over the VP-Internal position. She is a person of character and kindness and I definitely see her doing great things with the society over the next 16 months. If you have any feedback for me as to how the term went or for Catherine on how you want future terms to run, just email vpinternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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