
Message from your Incoming VP Education

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello there, lovely engineering students! Our names are Orysia Soroka and Megan McNeil, and the only thing we enjoy more than TLC, wearing scarves, fuzzy/wool socks and chocolate ice cream is representing you as your new VP Education. Since nanotechnology switches streams, we are working as a team; Megan primarily for Winter 2013, and Orysia for Fall 2013. Although we are both the new incoming executives for the same position, we actually are two separate people (weird, we know), so we’ll take some time to describe ourselves separately.

Message from Orysia: My name is Orysia, as in, “O-RISH-A could remember her name!” Get it? Maybe? Anyways, I am in my 2B term of Nanotechnology Engineering. I grew up in the Waterloo region, and just loved it so much that I decided not to leave Waterloo. I’m super excited about life, am always smiling and believe country music is the best thing to have happened to the world. In my spare time when I’m not in class, working on assignments or doing things within the Engineering Society, I enjoy playing sports such as softball and rugby and looking at wedding dresses or shopping online. I always enjoy spending time with people, so if you ever see me around campus, feel free to stop me and say hi. I’m a very approachable person and would really appreciate any feedback you may have.

Message from Megan: Hey y’all! I’m Megan. I’m in 3A Systems Design Engineering and as a result I currently reside in the E5 penthouse. I am from the Great White North (ie. Ottawa, Ontario) where we eat things like beaver tails and spend a lot of time waiting for the bus in the freezing cold. One thing that you might want to know about me is that I am pretty much a 5 year old… proven by the fact that I enjoy colouring, nap time, and McDonalds Happy Meals WITH the toy. Otherwise, I love sports, and will probably end up failing my exams because of the Olympics. If you have any questions, talk to Orysia, because she is much perkier and cheerful than I am. If you really need to talk to me, I take bribes in the form of knock-knock jokes or anything punny. (hehe… see what I did there?)

Overall, we’re very excited to work together as VP Education and represent the student body for everything academic related for the next 16 months. We have many ideas and goals, and would love to hear your ideas as well. Feel free to email us at bsoc.vped@gmail.com. See you around! Love, MOMS (Megan-Orysia-McNeil-Soroka).

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