
And Now For Something Completely Different: WEEF!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello again B Soc! The proposals are in and the presentations are complete. Now the fun begins; determining who will be receiving allocations from this term’s $60,000! This proposal cycle was a great success, bringing in over 30 proposals from 6 different departments and over 15 student teams and groups. The requests totaled over $140,000, so the Funding Council has their work cut out for them! We were also very excited to see proposals coming from both Architecture and Management Engineering who, historically, have had smaller requests from WEEF.

Another great accomplishment from this term was the successful use of the new WEEF online proposal submission process. With this new system, all proposals were created and managed online, eliminating the need for hard copies of various proposals formats. As the director, this system was amazing and ensured that each proposal was tracked and approved, while also automating many other WEEF activities. As always, WEEF strives to improve all our processes, so if you or your team used our new system, we would love to receive your feedback at weef@uwaterloo.ca.

Further benefits of our new website make it possible for anyone (that includes YOU!) to view the term’s proposals online at weef.uwaterloo.ca/proposals.php.  If you are interested in who is asking for WEEF contributions this term, please check the website. You will likely find yourself having an opinion about where your WEEF contributions go, which your class representatives are always ready to receive! You may also notice the wide range of items which are requested, from scales to reactors to arduinos. Your initiatives may be worthy of WEEF funding, so don’t hesitate to put in proposals next term!

Looking ahead, our very own Keegan Skoretz has stepped up this term and is working to become the next WEEF Director for B Society. I would like to thank and congratulate him for committing to continue the awesome tradition of WEEF, as the greatest student-run endowment fund in Canada. His new position will be up for ratification at the WEEF Board of Directors meeting at the end of July.

Finally, you will be happy to know that WEEF will be returning in the next IW issue with:

  • Funding Decisions!
  • Spring 2012 Refund Rates!!

Until next time – WEEF IS GOOD!
Learn more at www.weef.ca, or contact your friendly neighbourhood WEEF Director at weef@uwaterloo.ca.

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