
New VP Finance Services

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Since the addition of the commissioner position last fall, the VP Finance role now includes more than budgets and writing or signing cheques. A key part of my portfolio this term is the services offered by the Engineering Society. I would like to highlight some of the services and upcoming events that you might be interested in this term.

Mental Health Awareness – 4 out of 5 Engsoc Executives believe that puppies will help you score better on your exams this summer. That is why, just before exams, we will be hosting an event with puppies! (Stay tuned for more information).

On the topic of Mental Health Awareness, remember that there are counselors available at Counseling Services in Needles Hall and in the Engineering First Year Office if you ever need someone to talk to.

Resume Critiques – So far we have hosted two successful resume critique afternoons in POETS. There will be one more opportunity to have your resume critiqued before the start of second round on Jobmine. Good luck Jobmining everyone!

Workshops: Sushi – Stay tuned for information about a workshop taking place later in the term where you will get to learn how to make sushi. Say goodbye to stir fry, chili, and KD, you will soon be making sushi for dinner!

Lastly, congratulations to Peter Robertson who will be your new VP Finance starting at the end of this term.

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