
What’s Going On This Term

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Spring term is pretty lackluster in terms of conferences. There’s only one, the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario Annual General Meeting (ESSCO AGM), and the application form will be closed by the time you read this. So instead, here are some events that are going down this term right here in Waterloo!!! (or Kitchener)

Women in Engineering Day (June 27th)
Come out and celebrate women in engineering! There will be a barbecue and fun events, such as WiE day Genius Bowl during the day, and a cross-campus Women in ______ seminar (an inter-faculty event for other “Women in” groups on campus). See what past and present female engineering students have to say about their experiences.

Canada Day (July 1st)
Every year Waterloo Engineering participates in Canada Day celebrations at Columbia Lake, and this year is no different. Many of you are probably going back home for the long weekend. However, if for some reason you’re sticking around. I highly recommend you check it out. There’s so much going on, and it always ends with a bang!! (no seriously, there’s an awesome fireworks show at the end)

Siemens Plantville Competition (July 5th)
Siemens are developing a competition where you play as a plant manager on simulated plant software. The objective is to increase productivity and efficiency while maintaining the plant and making sure it’s running. There are cash prizes for the top three teams, and you might gain some contacts within Siemens. I will talk about this competition in more detail, along with the registration process, in future IW issues.

Waterloo Engineering Competition (July 6th-7th)
I know you’re not just book smart, so why don’t you show us your problem solving skills and engineering creativity at WEC? Participate in the Junior or Senior Design Competition (students in 2B or under are eligible for Junior, while students in 3A or above can participate in Senior) and build a prototype to solve a given problem, or join the Consulting Engineering Competition if you are the project manager type and present a theoretical solution to a given engineering problem. More details about the competition and signup process will be available in future IW issues.

There are two major outreach events planned for the term. The first is volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters, where you will be in charge of organizing activities for a group of children. The second is volunteering at St. John’s Kitchen in Kitchener. Students can sign up individually for these events. The outreach director is also working on setting up dates so a group of students can volunteer. Be on the lookout for posters/emails for this.

If you have any questions about the events, or if you wish to volunteer and help out, email me at vpexternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

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