
Get your share of the Spring WEEF-sicle! Online!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

“What is a WEEF-sicle?” you might ask. Well my friends, it is a tasty, frozen treat with a value of $60,000!

For Spring 2012, WEEF will be maintaining the current spending of $60,000 towards equipment, supplies and improvements that will enhance the undergraduate engineering experience at the University of Waterloo. If you are a member of a team, department, or initiative that deserves WEEF support, I encourage you to apply.

All you need to do is submit a proposal by June 15th and make a brief presentation to the wise and thoughtful Funding Council. Departmental and student team presentations will take place on June 26th and 28th, respectively. All proposals will be assessed on their merit and allocated funding as seen fit by your peers. Every class has a say in where your money goes, so please make sure that your class has a WEEF Representative to sit on the Funding Council!

New starting this term will be online proposal submissions! Welcome to the future! This term, all proposals will be submitted online through the WEEF website at www.weef.ca. The online submission process will walk you through the input of required information, funding options and breakdowns, and much more. This will help us ensure that all information is provided and also make the process easier for you.

In addition to this, several changes will be happening behind the scenes to ensure more accountability with WEEF funding. All unspent funding allocated to Student Teams and Departments will now expire after two years. Additionally, in order to receive funding for items, they must be expressly mentioned on the approved proposal.

Feel free to talk with your friendly neighbourhood WEEF Director (weef@uwaterloo.ca), or with Himesh, Julia, Keegan, and Kal, our Assistant Directors for the term!

Until next time… WEEF IS GOOD!

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