
VP Internal Updates

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome to the summer term! Myself and AJ, Student Life Commissioner, as well as our numerous directors are super excited to be bringing you dozens of events for the summer term. In the next few weeks alone we have the Exchange Potluck, Running Club, LAN Party, Pancake Breakfast, Coffee House and many more! Take a look at the EngSoc Calendar below for more details. Are you interested in learning more about when these events happen? Join the EngSoc Facebook Page by searching ‘UW Engineering Society.’ Also don’t forget to check out our poster boards throughout the hallways.

This past week we held a successful Get Involved Fair in the CPH foyer with over 100 signups! These volunteers are of huge importance to make all of our events successful. If you are still interested in helping out with the numerous events we are running this term, just drop by the Orifice to speak to an executive, or email us at executive.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. There are still many positions to be filled!

This term I will be developing a new EngSoc Wiki with the help of our webmaster Jon Shahen. This Wiki will include the history of the Engineering Society, the current events and services we offer, a director reference guide, and much more. I hope to see this Wiki become a means for past alumni and current students to document the ongoings of the society with moderation by the executives. We are currently developing the back end of the system, but if you are interested in helping with the initial content, please email vpinternal.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

I also plan on improving Engineering’s relationship with the other faculties. I will be going to at least one council meeting from each faculty to see what they are planning and hopefully let them know about some of the things EngSoc has in the works. I also plan to organize a few events to encourage some inter-faculty socializing so keep an eye out for some advertisements.

Something else to look out for this term is the P**5 competition! P**5 stands for Paul and Paula Plummer Participation Points and is pronounced “P to the 5.” P**5 is a term-long competition between all on-stream classes with the purpose of encouraging friendly class competition, promoting EngSoc event participation and rewarding spirited and involved classes. Every event EngSoc hosts can earn your class points if you attend! You can also submit work reports, exams, or run class events to earn even more points. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three classes, so be sure to start collecting those points early in the term! Submissions can be emailed to Patrick Mikolajczak at ptothefive@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. A full list of points is available on the EngSoc website.

That’s all, folks. Looking forward to a fun filled spring term!

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