
Vision 2015 Town Hall & Commissioner Applications Open

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey Engineers,

Over the past year or so the Faculty has been hard at work coming up with Vision 2015. This is basically a plan for the Faculty on where the Faculty should be by 2015. All undergraduate engineering students are invited to a town hall meeting to provide your feedback on the Faculty of Engineering’s draft strategic academic plan, Vision 2015: Building on Excellence.

The Vision 2015 plan results from over a year of self-study, consultation and committee work, across all areas of Waterloo Engineering. The Faculty is now seeking internal and external feedback on the draft plan before finalizing it at the end of April.

To hear about the Vision 2015 plan, to share your thoughts and to have your questions answered please come to the “Town Hall” on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 from 5:30-7:00pm in RCH 301. Yep, that’s is today everybody! Speakers who will be talking about the plan will be Adel Sedra, Dean of Engineering; Wayne Loucks, Associate Dean, Undergraduate; Wanye Parker, Associate Dean, Co-operative Education & Professional Affairs. Pizza will be available at the start of the town hall.

Engineering Society Commissioner Applications are OPE! Commissioners are positions where you will be managing volunteers of the Society, as well as contributing to projects that better the Society. All commissioner positions will be 8 month terms, one off-term (starting in May) following by one term on campus. The commissioner positions available are Communications, Outreach, Student Life, Student Services, and Waterloo Engineering Competition. Also, the Speaker of the EngSoc meeting will be determined though the same application process. The application forms and more in-depth information about the positions can be found here: http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/commissioner-application. The deadline to apply to Commissioner positions is Wednesday, March 21st, at midnight. Yeah.. that’s tonight!!! So APPLY APPLY APPLY!!

If you have any questions about Vision 2015 or Commissioner applications, or anything else, please contact me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Have a great day!

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