
VP – Operations: Directorships!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello again bright, shiny people!

Here we are. Spring is right around the corner, it‘s the last issue of the term, and I’m halfway through my 16 months as an Exec! So how did it go? Almost 300 resumes were critiqued, sushi was made and devoured, new workshops thrived, scholarships were won, and new initiatives were tested. Now’s a good time to reflect on how things have gone for the Society, for our team, and for the development of this position.

We started off this term under a trial run for the new executive structure. While the previous VP-Internal position was more of an event management position in charge of social and athletic events, the VP-Operations’ role was defined as one of representation and management of the operations of the Society.

The trial also brought the addition of the new leadership position, Commissioners. I have loved working with the two Commissioners under my portfolio, Joe Dykstra(Communications) , and Alroy Almeida (Student Services) . They did an excellent job at providing guidance and support to their directors, as well as developing their own projects. Some notable changes were Joe‘s excellent weekly event emails, and the very successful HTML resume workshop. I want to give a huge thank you to Joe, Alroy and all the directors their dedication and hard work these past eight months.

Speaking of directorships, do you want that elusive “proven leadership experience” employers always seem to be asking for? Do you have an idea for an event or service you think will improve life for Waterloo Engineering students, or have a skill to share in a student-run workshop? Do you want a budget and a league of dedicated volunteers to help you pull this off? If you said yes to any of these, apply to be a director for the Engineering Society.

Take a break between studying and check out the Engsoc website (www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca, under the Directors tab) to check out the different directorship positions. Have an idea for an event or service that’s not listed there? Apply to make up a new directorship! Directorship positions look great on a resume, help you develop leadership and management skills, and are a ton of fun.

If you have questions about applications, roles of directors, or just want to know more about your Engineering Society, don’t hesitate to stop me in the halls, talk to me in POETS, or send me an email at vpoperations.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

With the Commissioners and directors holding down the fort, I was able to focus on new initiatives for the Society. The oft-neglected Policy Manual and Constitution got an overhaul by the review committee, the scholarship bank grew to over $1 million worth of awards and listings and therapy dogs will be coming to campus on April 4th to give students a stress-relieving study break.

I’m very excited to take everything I’ve learned the past eight months to make Fall 2012 spectacular! Good luck on exams and I’ll see you in September!

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