
FedS Vote and Events

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The best way to know what is happening in Federation of Students is to go to feds.ca/events. It has anything and everything related to Federation of Students scheduled on it.

Federation of Students is currently busy with the Election Season. It is the most important event of the year as it will determine what happens in Federation of Students for the coming year(May ’12 – April ’13). Undergraduate Engineering students have a lot of options to choose the right candidates so as to make sure that the Engineering voice is not undermined. Engineering students can vote for the four Federation of Students executive positions namely the FedS President, FedS VP Education, FedS VP Internal, and FedS VP Administration and Finance. Also the Senate, the highest Academic decision-making body, also has two undergraduate positions available which depend on the Engineering students’  vote. They are Senator at Large 2013(one year position) and Senator at Large 2014 (two year position). Lastly, there are three Engineering Councillor positions as well. The polling period is from Feb 14th to Feb 16th. You can vote for EACH of the above mentioned positions. Your vote really matters, so make it count!

One Waterloo is celebrating February as the Black History month. It is part of “One Seed. Many Roots”. It is being celebrated both at the University of Waterloo and the Wilfred Laurier University. Events included Rock Your Roots, Discover Your Roots and Showcase Your Roots.

Other events included uWaterloo: Campus Idol and a week-long Queer Relationship Week.

Again, to make sure you don’t forget it, polling period is from Feb 14th to Feb 16th. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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