
Student Team Sponsorships, FIRE SALE, More FUNDING!!!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

***MAKE SURE IW IS GETTING MONEY FROM ENGSOC (and maybe fill in an ECIF application for new Adobe suite too)*** (doe he usually put his quest userID as his signature?

Hello again, IW readers!

The last little bit has been a bit of a slow patch. Not too much has happened on the finance front. The budget got approved, and is available for viewing on my blog at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/blog/vpfina. Some things of note would be that for the first time, we have a committee to decide on our EngSoc Sponsorship, along with some other sponsorship changes. If you are a member of student team or group and did not receive an email from me about the sponsorship, please email me as soon as possible and I will get you the information.

We are changing the way we do the allocation as we are now only giving student teams their cheques with a receipt for what they requested money for, similar to the way we do reimbursements. There are various other changes in what I have asked from the student teams. For more information, check out my blog.

The last couple of weeks’ events went well; Genius Bowl, TalEng and the Ski trip were great, as were all the other events. After reading week, we have Engineering Movie Night, a coffee house, the treasure hunt starts, and MOT, which is at Chainsaw! As well, we are hopefully planning a bus trip to Cambridge to visit our friends in Architecture, so stay tuned for that.

Coverall orders have been placed, and they should hopefully get in before reading week, but if not, definitely soon after.

The Tuesday after reading week will be the next FIRE SALE!!! You will be able to purchase lots of awesome stuff for cheap! Our new EngSocks are already available, and on that Tuesday, all shirts will be on sale! You read that correctly: All shirts on sale! Be there, Tuesday February 28th from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm!!!

ECIF!!! Have a great idea of what you want to see in our buildings?! A service you want us to offer!?!?!?! Submit an ECIF application!!! There is nothing over the limit! Visit http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/services/ecif-application!!!!! Fill it out! We will buy stuff!!! ECIF! ECIF! ECIF!!!

That should be it. If you have any questions, as always just send me an email at vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

Awesome, have a great reading week.


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