
FedS Voting, Shiny things in POETs, LCD Screens and More

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
Hey Engineers,
How are those midterms treating you? Are you procrastinating by reading my article? Well then, welcome! I have a couple new updates for you regarding presidential things.
So the Class of 2011 gave a grad gift of new furniture in POETS. We will be getting “coffee shop” style tables and chairs for the upstairs of POETS (the area overlooking the main part of POETS). The tables and chairs will be a mahogany colour wood and the chairs will be upholstered with red fabric. The furniture will be moveable so that they can be configured however needed, but will remain in “coffee shop” style for regular day to day operations.
Colour Me Educated
Colour Me Educated is a charity initiative run by FedS to raise money for Pathways to Education (Kitchener Branch) which helps fund education efforts in the KW region. The Colour Me Educated Campaign kick-off event was around two weeks ago. Society representatives from each faculty ended up raising over $1000 in just a couple hours. The campaign will be ongoing until April to see which faculty can raise the most money.
LCD Screens
The Engineering Society Executive have been working to get LCD screens put up in the Engineering buildings to advertise events and volunteer opportunities. Long-term, these LCD screens would act as a digital advertisement medium and replace most of the poster boards in the Engineering buildings. Last term, a proposal was submitted to the Dean’s Office for approval. Once we hear back from the Deans office we can start moving forward on purchasing and testing software.
FedS Election Voting
Voting for the FedS election is now OPEN! It will be closing tomorrow night (Thursday, February the 16th) at 10:00 PM. Please take the time to get informed on the candidates running at this link: feds.ca/vote/candidates. Once you are ready to vote, you can go to this link to vote online: vote.feds.ca.
As we all know, reading week is coming up (t-minus 3 days!!) and I plan to accomplish more of my long-term goals over reading week. That is all I have for now. Please feel free to contact me about anything at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or you can check out my blog for ongoing updates (www.engsoc/blog/presa).

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