
NEM, Canstruction, Change 4 Change

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

****Reference to Angelo’s article (first paragraph) should only be included if Angelo’s article exists***

Really? Another two weeks have gone by?  A lot has happened in the past two weeks and I am excited to tell you all about it.  A very exciting thing to report about is that Waterloo had a VERY strong showing at the Ontario Engineering Competition which took place on the weekend of February 3rd-4th at the University of Toronto.  Stealing some numbers that Angelo might have used earlier on in this issue: Out of the 12 teams at OEC that qualified for CEC, 5 are from Waterloo.  Waterloo won over $10,000 in prize money last night between all competitions. That’s 2.5 times more than the next highest grossing school.  Waterloo placed at least one team in the top two in 4 out of the 6 categories.  This is the 2nd year in a row Waterloo has won the Technical Excellence award.  I would like to thank Angelo Alaimo for running WEC this year and taking care of all of the OEC related logistics, as well as the Dean’s office and Meg Bauman for showing such awesome support to our competitors.

National Engineering Month (NEM) saw its first event take place on Saturday, February 4th in the Student Design Centre of E5.  We had some stellar volunteers who came out and put hours of work into our machine.  Unfortunately, we were unable to complete our ambitious design and are therefore going to continue working on it in order to make it awesome.  The second event is coming up on the weekend of March 3rd and 4th where we will be doing a K’Nex building outreach event at THEMUSEUM in Kitchener.  We would like to bring some cool demonstrations with us, so if you or someone you know has a cool fourth-year design project that they would like to show off to the community, let me know.

Our Canstruction team has been assembled and they are working hard on making an awesome structure out of cans that will impress and amaze all of the patrons shopping at the Conestoga Mall!  We have a solid group of volunteers and I am very excited about the design chosen this year!

The Charities directors are currently in the middle of a Change 4 Change campaign which collects spare change for charity.  The premise is that you put pennies in your own year (worth 1 point) and silver coins in other years (-2 points) so that your year ends up with the most points.  A member of the Executive have been assigned a year to represent and the winning team will get to tape the losing executive to a chair in the CPH foyer and make a sign for them to hold all day.  Drop by the Engineering Society Office to deposit your change! (Pennies in 2012 please!)

There are a few things that I have mentioned in my blog in more detail, so please head on over to www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/blog/vpexa and see what’s up.

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