
VP – External

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This term is flying by and there are lots of awesome things going on. I wanted to cover some main ones that require a little bit of help from all of you.

Canstruction – Canstruction is a charity event for the Waterloo Region food bank that solicits companies and groups to put together a creative and awesome structure made entirely out of cans of food. The event this year is taking place on March 10th, but we need people to plan and design our structure starting soon. Send me an email if you are interested in getting involved.

National Engineering Month – Three events are happening for NEM: a Rube Goldberg machine creation, a K’nex building event at THEMUSEUM in Kitchener and a movie night in POETS. We are currently looking for volunteers for both the Rube Goldberg and the K’nex event, so send me an email at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or head on over to my blog at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/blog/vpexa to find more detailed information.

Student Ambassador Program – The Student Ambassador Program has launched and is now recruiting volunteers. Amanda LeDuc, our outreach commissioner, has been working with the faculty to establish this program which will allow prospective students to browse the profiles of engineering student volunteers and to contact them for any questions or advice.

FYIC – On January 20-22 I accompanied 6 first-year students from A-Soc to the First Year Integration Conference (FYIC) hosted in Hamilton. The purpose of this conference is to introduce future leaders to the external aspect of their profession as well as teach them personal leadership skills that they will hopefully be able to use and pass on to others in their future positions as leaders in our school. I am very proud of my delegates and look forward to seeing their leadership roles grow over time.

For any additional updates, keep an eye on my blog as I already have a few posts waiting to be posted, including a guest blog from our UAE campus contact.

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