
VP – Education: Inspirational Story!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Good Morning Waterloo! Your friendly neighborhood VP-Education, reporting in again, this time with MOAR NEWS FROM THE CO-OP FRONT! This article will also feel somewhat disjointed, so I will do my best to keep it flowing.

Now, for all students who do not yet have any jobs or interviews, follow the number one rule in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: DON’T PANIC! I don’t have any interviews or jobs as of the writing of this either, so it’s all good. In fact, I am going to tell a story about a first year student (who will remain nameless, but I promise I have his permission to print this).

There once was a first year student who had some excellent work and school background. He got his resume critiqued by student and graduate alike. He ignored video games and distractions. He even missed out on a day of Diablo 2 (a classic game by Blizzard®). He applied to jobs that looked awesome, jobs that looked interesting, and even jobs that were just labeled as “Junior.” He applied to 103 jobs that term. In the end, after some awesome interviews in the continuous round, he got a job at a well known international consulting firm.

TL/DR? Keep [Job]mining your hardest; it will likely work out.

More on Jobmine! As students on-term, a large number of you are likely using Jobmine (and likely are still checking for interviews every 10 minutes or so). Now, many of those using Jobmine may have noticed something completely new, completely out of this world; Jobmine DID NOT crash this year on the final day of first postings, as it has in many previous semesters. Rejoice! This is due to an update to the backend of Jobmine, rolled out by CECS.

Now some questions for the readers. You are likely fully ingrained with the co-op experience. What do you wish you knew prior to starting your trek through the rough waters of job placements? What would you like to impart upon incoming students? How does the co-op process enrich your education? Send your replies to vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca with “IW Answers” in the subject line!

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