
VP – Finance Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey everyone,

So, since the last issue of The Iron Warrior, quite a bit has happened! There have been a lot of great events so far this term including the amazing ski trip, hot yoga, Enginuity and cardboard bobsledding. Last week was also a brand new event, All-You-Can-Eat Week, which went surprisingly well. This past weekend was Scavenger Hunt, which was also a good time. TalEng was great, so if you missed it, come out next time!

Stay tuned for a bunch of great events coming up in the next two weeks. Genius Bowl is on Thursday, Feb. 2nd, there is another awesome ski trip on Saturday, Feb. 4th, and next week has more Enginuity and the Year Spirit Showdown. Check out the calendar for all of the upcoming events.

On the Novelties front, our first Fire Sale went very well, and we sold a lot of our old stock. If you weren’t able to make it out, be sure to come to one of the ones that will be in the near future. We will have some great new items coming out as well. Also, last Wednesday was COVERALL DAY!!! It went superbly well, as we sold THIRTY FIVE pairs of coveralls and over ONE HUNDRED patches. I hope you came out to buy your covies, but if not, be sure to stay tuned for the next coverall day in the Fall. Will the prices be even cheaper? Only time will tell.

Last, but obviously not least, is the budget. Last Wednesday, the budget got passed at Council Meeting #2. It can be found somewhere in this EngSoc Report. If you have any questions, just send me an email and I will be glad to clarify. Also at the meeting, a motion was passed to form a committee to allocate each term’s sponsorship – more information will be available on that on my blog soon.

I would like to end by apologizing to the IW editors, and all of you, for how badly this article was written. Hopefully the next will be better. For more poorly written information, check out my blog at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/blog/vpfina. And if you have any questions, shoot me an email at vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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