

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

To those who don’t know me (but hopefully at least recognize me from last term), I’m Brock Kopp and I’ll be your WEEF Director for the next 16 months. I’m about to start my 3B term of Mechatronics Engineering. On top of school and WEEF, I am also acting as one of your six EngFOC (think cowboy hats during frosh week). It sounds like a heavy term, and it will be, but I “work well under pressure” (as many employers have heard) and I trust that everyone will let me know if it ever seems like I am letting anything (including WEEF) slip.

So, what does this mean for WEEF? I have lots planned.

First is a new website – weef.uwaterloo.ca, same URL but much has changed. I think many of you will agree that while the old website was easy to navigate and find specific information about funding, it didn’t exactly get anyone excited about WEEF. We wanted to change that. The hope is that our new website will remain easy to navigate and find information about how to receive funding, while also being a good resource for anyone trying to learn what WEEF is all about. The new website will feature an ever changing stream of articles written by both WEEF staff, as well as recipients of funding. So if you’ve received WEEF funding in the past, and have time to write small article (any size!) about how WEEF helped your project then PLEASE contact us.

Next, alumni. For those of you who haven’t read WEEF’s constitution (…long shot, I know), we are restricted by the faculty by how we ask for money from alumni. It sucks, but it also makes sense (imagine being an alumni with every student team/group/fund sending you letters asking for money). So… solution? Right now I am working with the Dean’s office to try and streamline the faculty’s donations webpage for WEEF donors as well as getting some real-estate in some of the booklets that are sent out to alumni. This being said… nothing works better than word of mouth so if any of you know someone who would like to donate to WEEF, have them email us or go to our (NEW!!!!) website and click on the donations tab. I’m looking at you 4th years!

It’s that time again boys and girls… the moment you’ve been waiting for all year… WEEF’s AGM is back! That’s right, it’s the one night of the year that you can gather with all your friends and family for a night full fun, including info on WEEF and discussions about issues facing WEEF right now! How can I attend you ask? 1) Run to your calendars and mark of March 7th 2) Think of problems or issues you might want to discuss 3) Stay tuned for more details.

Finally, WEEF REPRESENTATIVES!!!! WEEF needs someone from each and every class to sit on the WEEF Funding Council. What does this mean? It means it is the only time in your life that you will get to decide where 60,000.00 Canadian dollars go and get paid (with food) to do it! How do you become one? A) Get democratically elected by your class. B) Tell me!

See, that wasn’t so bad, but that’s enough from me. Comments? Concerns? Contemplations? Cogitations? Let us know!




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